Friday, March 26, 2010

An E-mail From My Third Grade Teacher


When you teach, you will find that some students stay with you. You are one of those for me. I always appreciated your good mind and strong will. I know they have both served you well. I remember many little things about you. One, is how observant you were. I remember you noticing my fingernail polish and telling me how well it went with my skin tone! Not the usual comment of a 3rd grader.

You also made me an Erin Day scrapbook dedicated to “the best teacher in the world!” I still have it. There are lots of cute pictures of you, Kevin and other family members and friends. I wonder if you remember making it?

I am delighted that you are going to be a teacher. You will be wonderful; smart, strong, compassionate and fun. Your students will learn a lot from you.

I do love teaching. It is a very rewarding profession. We have the opportunity ”to do good” every day. If I can be of help to you, let me know.

I hope your mother and brother are doing well. Tell them ‘hello” for me. And, please keep in touch. Your email today was a real gift to me.

Mrs. Huber

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

W A X | D R E E M Z: list of the records i desire to acquire

The Breeders- Title TK
Talking Heads- Speaking in Tongues
Beth Orton- Comfort of Strangers
PJ Harvey- Rid of Me; Dry
Brute Heart- Brass Beads
Black Eyes- S/T
Sonic Youth- Washing Machine
The Beatles- Revolver
Explode Into Colors- Quilts
Wild Nothing - Gemini
Megafaun - Heretofore
Aloe Blacc - Good Things
Paleo - A View of the Sky
Fences - (I think it is self-titled? Out 9/28!)
All of the GOOD GBV records!

*Bolded items are rare