Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Motivation to Create, According to Miranda July

I was reading this neat article on Miranda July's new exhibit "Eleven Heavy Things" in Italy that features an interview where each question was submitted by a different friend or colleague, most of them other artists and thinkers. This one quote brought me back to our discussion in class today about why we humans write/create:

"Life is so ridiculously gorgeous, strange,
heartbreaking, horrific, etc.,
that we are compelled to describe it
to ourselves, but we can’t! We
cannot do it! And so we make art."
Miranda July

Props to my sweet friend Bethany Hart for the heads up. We are both waiting, with incredible patience, for Miranda's next feature length film.


  1. I love that quote too! It sums things up nicely.

  2. I love Miranda July. "No One Belongs Here More Than You..."

  3. "Something That Needs Nothing" is one of my favorite short stories ever.
