Sunday, November 1, 2009

fnl prjct // I Remember

For my final project I am going to construct a (long-ish) poem in Flash following the "I Remember" form. What I most want to explore through this project is memory itself. I want to try to find different ways within Flash to communicate the haziness or the focus of a memory, the certainty of a chain of events or the doubt about it, and to communicate effectively the relative proximity or distance I am allowing the memory to be to me. I want to do this because I have a lot of weird memories and a lot of photographs that I am obsessed with and a lot of unresolved feelings, and it will give me an opportunity to focus that energy by funneling it into a project, which might have a calming effect on said energy. Also, memory is an important aspect of writing to think about. I want to use the juxtaposition of text and photographs to create a tension between the past and the present: the moment of being in the picture, the present remembrance in the text. Additionally, I want the photos to operate self-reflexively by bringing into question, alongside the text, what I actually remember versus what I have contrived from photgraphs and family stories.

I might need yr help figuring out how to most effectively present text. I am interested in maybe doing the blurry-edges-of-text-to-denote-disorientation thing but maybe I need a new technique since we've seen that a number of times in samples we have analyzed for class. I want to make something epic but I have limited Flash skills; when I look at the animation samples we have analyzed I get nervous about not having the technical skills to best do this. I will let you know, though. I think for this animation I am going to use FONTS. Yep, FONTS. I think the phrase "I remember" is going to repeat over and over. That is about all I know. I think that in carrying out this project, I might get a better layout/understanding with which to pick up work on the memoir I started in high school tentatively titled "Looking Through Light."

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