Monday, September 14, 2009

Dun-da-dun-da-dun, dun-da-dun-dun...

May I present to ye,
thee rough draft of
"Thee Hirstory of Z."

Note: For some reason when I export the file and upload it onto websites such as blogger, Facebook and youtube, it seems to compress the file in a weird way that makes it skip lots of frames and a lot of stuff gets missed or looks unfinished when it isn't. What's up with that?




1 comment:

  1. Remind me to talk about this in class -- the videos will be compressed, and will not be as pretty, when they are uploaded as Quicktime movies. There is another way around this, a little longer, but where the Flash movie will play more smoothly. (I was planning on waiting to talk about this until people were a little more secure in Flash.)
